Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oleanna (Mamet, David)

My first Mamet. It took way too long for me to get into this. What a delightfully shocking play. I haven't read anything with this much brute force in so long. It really packs a punch, well many punches and is not afraid to hit you with them over and over again.
On top of that... it's about something. Very clearly and very simply it tells two different sides of the same argument. Both very clearly, both very well, and you believe in both. Neither one truly has the upper hand over the other, in the end. You are forced to choose yourself. The actions are clear, but what actually happened is not. This play is all talk. And not very interesting talk either, but it's gripping, and exciting, and moral, and relevant. It makes you think, makes you want to talk. Everything is not neatly wrapped up for you. Interesting and controversial and everything else as well.
Fresh dialogue too. Snappy and short, but lengthy and well defined when it needs to be. Conversational, yes, but also something underneath it. In so many plays I've read they talk the way people do... but not really. You don't really want them to talk the way people do. That'd be boring. They expose themselves, slowly, but surely. They shock us.
There's a lot of passion in this play. It bleeds through the page. So much anger, so much realization. There's a lot in it. And it's small, and it's just two people. But it's really big. Grip hold of something like that. Don't let it go. Really take it to the next level. Don't shy away from it. Be courageous for fuck's sakes.
Also, who do I agree with? Hmm..

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